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Per a poder informar a la Conselleria d’Educació necessitam saber de quins recursos informàtics disposau. Si encara no ho heu fet, ompliu AQUEST QUESTIONARI sobre els recursos informàtics dels que disposau per a poder fer feina a ca vostra. Demà hem… Llegeix més»
Activity book: pag.42 exc.21, 22 per entregar. Siguiendo el modelo del ejercicio 21, planifica y escribe tu propio diario. Following the example of activity 21, plan and write your own diary.
Hello! How are you? These are the activities you can do these two weeks.
Pupils book: pag. 53 exc. 30,31
Activity book: pag.51 exc. 23, 24, 25 para entregar. Siguiendo el modelo de Pupils book: pag. 53 exc. 31, planifica y escribe tu propio proyecto. Following the example of Pupils book: pag. 53 exc. 31, plan and write your own Project.
Es importante que le dediquéis el tiempo y esfuerzo suficiente para hacer un buen proyecto. Podéis elegir como entregarlo:
Papel: lo hacéis en un papel, hacéis una foto y me lo enviáis por email.
Power point: podéis hacer una presentación power point, con diapositivas, fotos, música…etc.
Vídeo: hacéis un vídeo de 2 minutos explicando el contenido del proyecto.
Elegid el formato que más os guste o se adecúe a vuestras circunstancias.
Más adelante, colgaré las respuestas en la web para que os lo podáis corregir. A continuación os pongo el listening.
Have a nice week!
Activities from 5th to 17th of May.
Hello! How are you? These are the activities you can do these two weeks.
Pupils book: pag. 50 exc. 19,20
Activity book:pag.49 exc. 16, 17, 18 per entregar.
Pupils book: pag.51 exc, 22, 24
Pupils book: pag.52 exc. 27
Activity book: pag 50 exc. 19, 20, 21
Os pongo los Audios a continuación. Más adelante, colgaré las respuestas en la web para que os lo podáis corregir.
Activities from 1st to 12th of June
Pupil’s Bookpag. 74 exc.1, 2- Entregar
Pupil’s Book pag. 78 exc.1, 2, 3 (in exc 3 you can also make a video)- Entregar
Activity Book pag. 74- Game
Activity Book pag. 86, 87, 88
Activity Book pag. 112, 113, 114, 115 – Entregar
Activity Book pag. 126- Entregar
Correction:Activities from 1st to 12th of June
Pupil’s Book pag. 74 exc.1
1 Polar
2 Mediterranean
3 Desert
Pupil’s Book pag. 74 exc.2
1 True
2 True
3 False. The days are always about 12 hours long.
4 False. The weather can change very quickly in temperate climates.
5 True
6 False. In snowy climates, winters are long and summers are short.
Pupil’s Book pag. 78 exc.2
1 No, it is also a film.
2 A boy called Charlie and a man called Willy Wonka.
3 She was laughing loudly when her sister woke up.
4 It’s a science fiction book.
5 Because he could go on rollercoasters and drive fast cars.
Activity Book page 115, activity 3 thermometer, mobile phone, computer, TV Activity Book page 115, activity 4
1 makes the bed, tidies up the bedroom, puts Anthony’s clothes away
2 Norbert
3 a(n amazing) computer
4 maths
5 yes
6 he gives Anthony a jumper
AB page 126, activity 1
Positive: they’re, we’ve got;
Negative: I’m not, she isn’t, she hasn’t got;
Others: can’t, didn’t
AB page 126, activity 2
1 He’s very creative.
2 My brother’s got a new skateboard.
3 Edison didn’t invent the calculator.
4 They’re very musical.
5 My parents weren’t at home.
AB page 126, activity 3
1 a 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 c
Correction: Activities from 18th to 31st of May.
Pupils book: pag. 53 exc. 30
Pupils book: pag. 53 exc.31
1. It could pull 30 tonnes of coal up a hill, it travelled at six kilometres an hour, it was the best locomotive of the time
2. Manchester and Liverpool
3. the Science Museum in London
4. Trains in the 21st century are longer, faster and more comfortable than trains in the past.
Activity book: pag.51 exc. 23
1. The train.
2. George Stephenson.
3. In 1814.
4. They travelled by horse and cart.
5. Trains are longer, more comfortable and they travel much faster.
6. Yes, it is. It saves us time, we can travel to different places and trains are more ecological than cars.
Correction: Activities from 5th to 17th of May.
Pupils book: pag. 50 exc. 19
1. lemon, orange and olive trees
2. tree frogs, butterflies, lizards and birds
3. You can learn about plants and gardening
4. the Eden Project website
Pupils book: pag. 50 exc. 20
1. St. George.
2. The Tames.
3. Daniel Radcliffe.
4. Manchester.
5. Buckingham Palace.
6. Cricket.
Activity book: pag.49 exc. 16
1. Mediterranean, Rainforest
2. (any two of the following) olive, orange, lemon, banana, cacao, chewing gum
3. rock climbing, ice skating
4. butterfly, lizard
5. on the Eden Project website
Activity book: pag.49 exc. 17
1. Dolphin Cove, Jamaica
2. Niagara Falls, Canada
3. Dublin Zoo, Ireland
4. Waitomo Caves, New Zealand
Activity book: pag.49 exc. 18
1. science
2. project
3. century
4. batteries
5. weekend
Pupils book: pag.52 exc. 27
Televisions didn’t exist. A Scottish engineer demonstrated a type of television. There were two hours of programmes every day. People watched the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Some programmes were in colour for the first time. 96% of houses had a television.
Activity book: pag 50 exc. 19
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. True
Activity book: pag 50 exc. 20
1. 21st
2. bigger
3. clear
4. channels
5. on
Activity book: pag 50 exc. 21
1. Florence
2. Finn
3. Ed
4. Becky
Activities from 20th of April to 3rd of May.
Activity book pag. 47
Activity 10: 1 Yes, he did. 2 Yes, he did. 3 No, he didn’t. 4 Yes, he did. 5 No, he didn’t. 6 Yes, he did.
Activity 11: 1 Where did 2 When did 3 Did 4 What did 5 Did Activity
Activity12: 1 What did Jenner do in his free time? 2 Did he like watching hedgehogs? 3 Where did he treat many people? 4 Did he take money from poor people? 5 When did he travel in a balloon?
Activity Book page 48
Activity 13: live/lived, work/worked, want, like/liked = one syllable; wanted, invent = two syllables; invented = three syllables
Activity 14: When did he live? He lived from 1889 to 1967. Where did he live? He lived in Pennsylvania, in the USA. What did he do? He was a salesman and inventor. What did he invent? He invented the game Monopoly.
Activity 15: Possible answer: The woman in the photo is Marie Curie. She lived from 1876 to 1934. She lived in Paris, in France. She was a scientist. She discovered an element called radium.
Activity Book page 98
Activity 1: 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 d 5 f 6 h 7 e 8 g
Activity 2 : 1 Where 2 What 3 When 4 What 5 Where 6 When
Activity 3: 1 What did George Lerner invent? A type of toy. 2 When did Edward Jenner die? In 1823. 3 Did Edison invent the phonograph? Yes, he did. 4 Where did Josephine Cochrane live? In the USA. 5 What did Leonardo da Vinci design? A flying machine.
Estimados padres y madres:Los profesores de educación física hemos diseñado unas sesiones para hacer en casa.Las sesiones son para poder desarrollar las características principales en la evolución devuestros/nuestros niños y niñas teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones de espacio y material.Están pensadas para hacer en cualquier… Llegeix més»
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