25 N

Hem compartit activitats, reflexions, moments únics per conscienciar sobre la importància d’eliminar la violència contra les dones.


Gràcies a tothom qui ha participat i fet d’aquest dia una experiència enriquidora i plena de valors!


Junts, construïm un futur millor

Feim bunyols i cantam serenates

Dia 21 d’octubre vàrem celebrar la Festa de les Verges menjant bunyols i cantant serenates.

Tots els cursos anaren passant per “l’estació dels bunyols” on hi pogueren veure quins ingredients són els necessaris per fer-ne.

Els bunyolers i bunyoleres, amb uns bons ribells plens de pasta ben tovada, anaren fent un caramull de bunyols per al temps del pati.

Més tard, després d’haver berenat, ens juntàrem a les porxades i cantàrem serenates. I acabàrem aquesta celebració omplint la panxa menjant aquest dolç.

El sendemà els alumnes de cinquè anaren a visitar   les escoletes, i  les aules d’infantil per cantar-los una serenata i obsequiar amb qualque clavell. Fins i tot, encara tengueren temps de cantar-ne qualcuna per primària.

Volem agrair a tothom que  ha fet possible celebrar aquesta festa.

Salut i molts d’anys!

Our sixth grade English classes asked our English language assistant “Chloe” a lot of questions in an interview.

Our sixth grade English classes asked our English language assistant “Chloe” a lot of questions in an interview. 

– What is your full name?

My name is Chloe Renee Holmes. 

– When is your birthday?

My birthday is on June 9th 2001.

– What do you like the most about our school?

I like the energy of the students the most and the amount of activities and festivities the school celebrates (Christmas’ songs, carnival, etc).    

– What is your favourite city?  

My favourite city is Seville (Sevilla) in Spain. I went there two years ago and I fell in love with its traditions and culture.

– What is your favourite colour?

My favourite colour is red because my favourite flowers are roses and they are red. 

 What is your favourite hobby?

I love taking photos and being active, for example going to the gym and going hiking. 

– Why did you decide to come to Majorca? 

I visited “Mallorca” a year before I moved here and I knew I wanted to teach here. When the opportunity appeared I jumped at it without hesitation. 

– Why did you decide to be an English teacher?

At first I studied speech pathology and I loved languages. However I wanted to gain experience before I start my career in America. 

– How many languages do you speak? 

I speak English and a little bit of Spanish. I wish I could speak more languages and I hope to do so soon. 

– What is your favourite sport? 

My favourite sport is tennis. I was able to play at Rafa Nadal Academy and it was the most impressive academy I have ever seen.

– What is your favourite type of food?

I love Mexican food. I never get sick of it. 

– What is your biggest fear? 

I really hate “centipedes” (a type of insect).   

– What is your favourite subject?

My favourite subject is history because society today can always learn something new from the past and avoid the mistakes. 

– What do you like to do in your free time? 

I like to read novels and now that I am living in a new country I love to explore new places. 

– What is your favourite animal? 

I have an obsession with elephants. 

– What is your favourite band / singer? 

My favourite band is “One Direction” but they are no longer a band so “The Weeknd” is currently my favourite. 

– Have you ever ridden a horse?

Yes, a few times. I rode a horse in Colorado up to the mountains. 

– What is your favorite continent?

Definitely Europe because there are many different cultures in a small region and the lifestyle here is chill and more relaxed. 

– How many states have you visited (in the USA)? 

I think I have been to at least twenty. 

– What is your favourite movie?

My favourite movies are “Interstellar” and “Luca” (animated movie). 

– Do you like riding a bike?

Yes, I do. I used to ride a bike everyday with my brother when I was a kid. 

– How many years would you like to stay in Majorca?

I would like to stay in Majorca for two years because I need to go back to school in the near future. 

Thank you very much Chloe for all your answers! 

We are very happy to have you here in Cala d’Or!