Our sixth grade English classes asked our English language assistant “Chloe” a lot of questions in an interview.

Our sixth grade English classes asked our English language assistant “Chloe” a lot of questions in an interview. 

– What is your full name?

My name is Chloe Renee Holmes. 

– When is your birthday?

My birthday is on June 9th 2001.

– What do you like the most about our school?

I like the energy of the students the most and the amount of activities and festivities the school celebrates (Christmas’ songs, carnival, etc).    

– What is your favourite city?  

My favourite city is Seville (Sevilla) in Spain. I went there two years ago and I fell in love with its traditions and culture.

– What is your favourite colour?

My favourite colour is red because my favourite flowers are roses and they are red. 

 What is your favourite hobby?

I love taking photos and being active, for example going to the gym and going hiking. 

– Why did you decide to come to Majorca? 

I visited “Mallorca” a year before I moved here and I knew I wanted to teach here. When the opportunity appeared I jumped at it without hesitation. 

– Why did you decide to be an English teacher?

At first I studied speech pathology and I loved languages. However I wanted to gain experience before I start my career in America. 

– How many languages do you speak? 

I speak English and a little bit of Spanish. I wish I could speak more languages and I hope to do so soon. 

– What is your favourite sport? 

My favourite sport is tennis. I was able to play at Rafa Nadal Academy and it was the most impressive academy I have ever seen.

– What is your favourite type of food?

I love Mexican food. I never get sick of it. 

– What is your biggest fear? 

I really hate “centipedes” (a type of insect).   

– What is your favourite subject?

My favourite subject is history because society today can always learn something new from the past and avoid the mistakes. 

– What do you like to do in your free time? 

I like to read novels and now that I am living in a new country I love to explore new places. 

– What is your favourite animal? 

I have an obsession with elephants. 

– What is your favourite band / singer? 

My favourite band is “One Direction” but they are no longer a band so “The Weeknd” is currently my favourite. 

– Have you ever ridden a horse?

Yes, a few times. I rode a horse in Colorado up to the mountains. 

– What is your favorite continent?

Definitely Europe because there are many different cultures in a small region and the lifestyle here is chill and more relaxed. 

– How many states have you visited (in the USA)? 

I think I have been to at least twenty. 

– What is your favourite movie?

My favourite movies are “Interstellar” and “Luca” (animated movie). 

– Do you like riding a bike?

Yes, I do. I used to ride a bike everyday with my brother when I was a kid. 

– How many years would you like to stay in Majorca?

I would like to stay in Majorca for two years because I need to go back to school in the near future. 

Thank you very much Chloe for all your answers! 

We are very happy to have you here in Cala d’Or!

Concert “Bitàcola” i ruta per Ciutat

Avui hem assistit a Caixaforum Palma al concert de Bitàcola; cançons i sons electrònics en un submarí  

Ens hem submergit  al mar de Noruega. El submarí ha hagut de reiniciar tots els sistemes electrònics però gràcies als instruments com el Theremin  i al so de les cançons tradicionals de tota la vida hem hem arribat a port.

Després del concert hem agafat forces berenant i hem anar a fer una ruta per Ciutat.


N’Ángel ens presenta “La capsa misteriosa”

El nostre centre participa des de fa cinc anys en el projecte “Jocs cooperatius per aprendre a pensar” dirigit per “La Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT)” juntament amb la Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB). Un dels principals objectius d’aquest projecte és fomentar el pensament científic i crític en els alumnes a través del joc.


A través de les activitats proposades en aquest projecte els alumnes de sisè s’han convertit en autèntics científics! Així, amb activitats relacionades amb el joc, com tangram, daus o cartes, els alumnes investiguen, creen hipòtesis i treuen conclusions per aconseguir superar els reptes que se’ls hi plantegen.


En el marc d’aquest projecte n’Ángel Vázquez va venir al nostre centre a presentar l’activitat “La caixa misteriosa”. Durant el desenvolupament del joc els alumnes varen haver de seguir el mètode científic (argumentació, planificació, reflexió, cooperació i manipulació), assolint el paper de científics per tal de descobrir que hi havia a l’interior d’aquesta misteriosa capsa.


Al nostre centre continuarem proposant més activitats i reptes com aquests al llarg del curs. També treballarem dins l’aula vídeos relacionats de caràcter divulgatiu com el de la professora Laura Lechuga amb el títol “Nanotecnología: La fuerza de lo MUY pequeño” del qual vos deixam l’enllaç a continuació.