Breanna’s Activity. Click on the links bellow and have funn!!!

Hello kids!!
I leave you Breanna’s activity for this week. It’s voluntary, but at the same time a good oportunity to practice English. Enjoy it!!
As always, you can send Breanna a video saying Hello:
Have a nice week

Here you have the ppt:

And you also have… Llegeix més»

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th: Quest Quizz. Voluntary

Here you have some extra quizz. Follow the instructions below.
A continuació uns links usuaris i contrasenyesamb més activitats interactives de Quest. Recordau que  heu de concedir permisos a sa web i Flash Player per tal que puguin veure es contingut, (adalt a l’esquerra):

  1. Primaria:
  2. 1º Link:                 Llegeix més»