Hello! How are you? These are the activities you can do these two weeks.
Pupils book: pag. 53 exc. 30,31
Activity book: pag.51 exc. 23, 24, 25 para entregar. Siguiendo el modelo de Pupils book: pag. 53 exc. 31, planifica y escribe tu propio proyecto. Following the example of Pupils book: pag. 53 exc. 30,31, plan and write your own Project.
Es importante que le dediquéis el tiempo y esfuerzo suficiente para hacer un buen proyecto. Podéis elegir como entregarlo:
Papel: lo hacéis en un papel, hacéis una foto y me lo enviáis por email.
Power point: podéis hacer una presentación power point, con diapositivas, fotos, música…etc.
Vídeo: hacéis un vídeo de 2 minutos explicando el contenido del proyecto.
Elegid el formato que más os guste o se adecúe a vuestras circunstancias.
Más adelante, colgaré las respuestas en la web para que os lo podáis corregir.
Have a nice week!
Activities from 5th to 17th of May.
Hello! How are you? These are the activities you can do these two weeks.
Pupils book: pag. 50 exc. 19,20
Activity book:pag.49 exc. 16, 17, 18 per entregar.
Pupils book: pag.51 exc, 22, 24
Pupils book: pag.52 exc. 27
Activity book: pag 50 exc. 19, 20, 21
Os pongo los Audios a continuación. Más adelante, colgaré las respuestas en la web para que os lo podáis corregir.
Activities from 1st to 12th of June
Pupil’s Book pag.78 exc. 1, 2, 3- Entregar
Activity Book pag. 86, 87, 88
Activity Book pag. 112, 113, 114, 115- Entregar
Activity Book pag. 126
Correction: Activities from 1st to 12th of June
Pupils book: pag. 78 exc.1
1 She’s from New Zealand.
2 He’s going to visit his grandparents.
3 They speak English and French with their parents.
4 He’s going to see his cousins this summer.
5 He likes playing computer games and basketball.
Pupils book: pag. 78 exc.2
2 Frédéric
3 Amélie
4 Robert
5 Jean
6 Jennifer
7 Michael
8 Marie
Activity Book page 86 activity 1
1 b 2 f 3 i 4 e 5 h 6 d 7 j 8 c 9 g 10 a AB page 86 activity 2
1 help
2 listen to
3 walk
4 watch
5 talk
6 visit
7 share
8 look after
9 use
10 work
Activity Book page 87 activity 1
1 pineapple
2 raspberries
3 spinach
4 aubergine
5 cherries
6 cauliflower
7 avocado
8 grapes
9 plums
10 red pepper
AB page 87 activity 2
Red: raspberries, cherries, red pepper
Orange / yellow: pineapple
Green: spinach, avocado, grapes
Blue / purple: plums, aubergine White: cauliflower
Activity Book page 88 activity 1
1 fleece
2 sandals
3 jeans
4 cap
5 top
6 cropped trousers
7 trainers
8 jacket
9 dress
10 short-sleeved shirt
Activity Book page 88 activity 2
1 c 2 g 3 h 4 i 5 a 6 b 7 f 8 e 9 j 10 d
AB page 115 activity 2
1/2 yellow/black
3 black
4 yellow
5 black
6 yellow
7 black
Activity Book page 115 activity 3
1 e 2 c 3 g 4 a 5 f 6 b 7 d
Activity Book page 126 activity 1
1 bathroom
2 playground
3 headache
4 website
5 homework
6 newspaper
Activity Book page 126 activity 2
1 bedroom
2 windsurfing
3 football
Activity Book page 126 activity 3
1 sandcastle
2 football
3 cupboard
4 keyboard
5 newsagent
6 homework
Correction: Activities from 18th to 31st of May.
Pupils book: pag. 53 exc.31
1. No, she didn’t. She stayed at home with the children.
2. They walked or cycled everywhere.
3. They enjoyed writing letters and reading books and newspapers.
4. Her grandmother played the piano and her grandfather played cricket.
Activity book: pag.51 exc. 23
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F
Correction: Activities from 5th to 17th of May.
Pupils book:pag. 50 exc. 19
1. The Kilts were first worn in The Scotish Highlands.
2. A sporran is a small leather bag, to keep money and other valuable things.
3. Kilts are made from traditional clothes, named Tartan.
4. Today some men still wear kilts for special occasions.
Pupils book: pag. 50 exc. 20
1. Edinburgh
2. English
3. Shortbread
4. A famous poet and a song writer
5. More than 790
6. Meat
Activity Book: pag. 49 exc. 16
: 1 It was a piece of cloth.
2 It’s a small leather bag.
3 They used it as a blanket.
4 The traditional cloth for kilts is tartan.
5 Scottish clans or big family groups traditionally have their own tartan.
6 Some men still wear them for weddings, parades and Scottish dances.
Activity Book: pag. 49 exc. 17
Lisa: funny,
Steve: cool,
Rosa: boring,
Sita: great,
Joseph: quite fashionable (Pupils’ own sentences.)
Activity Book: pag. 49 exc. 18
Possible answers:
1. Hello
2. the newspaper
3. my mum/dad/ grandmother
4. magazine/packet of mints
5 … pounds and … pence
6 … pounds
7. Thank you.
Pupils book: pag.52 exc. 27
1. Castles were often on the top of the hills and rocks.
2. Many castles had thick walls and small windows.
3. People used a drawbridge to cross the moat.
4. Sometimes musicians and acrobats performed shows.
5. People usually dropped rubbish in the moat.
Activity Book: pag. 50 exc. 19
1. window
2. tower
3. wall
4. drawbridge
5. gate
6. dungeon
7. moat
Activity Book: pag. 50 exc. 20
1 They entered the castle through a big gate.
2. The lord, lady and their family, and knights, cooks, servants and guards lived in the castle.
3. Musicians and acrobats sometimes visited the castle.
4. They prepared food in the kitchen.
5. People dropped rubbish in the moat.
Activity Book: pag. 50 exc. 21
2. Sita: Brilliant. It had dungeons.
3. Steve: Smelly. People didn’t wash often.
4. Joseph: Fun. Acrobats and musicians performed shows. Correction: Activities from 20th of April to 3rd of May.
Activity Book pag 47 Actividad 10:
1 went 2 wanted 3 had 4 stayed 5 talked 6 played 7 listened 8 looked 9 visited 10 watched 11 laughed 12 had
Actividad 11: jump jumped, travel travelled ,tidy tidied, like liked, notice noticed, want wanted, hop hopped, close closed, drop dropped. Actividad 12:
1 No, he didn’t. He went to Loch Ness last Saturday. 2 No, he didn’t. He wanted to see the Loch Ness monster. 3 No, he didn’t. He watched a film. 4 No, he didn’t. He visited the Loch Ness museum.
Activity Book 48 Actividad 13:
Four syllables: I helped my mum. I watched TV. Five syllables I started to laugh. I played with my friends. Six syllables: I walked along the path. I listened to music. Seven syllables: I visited the castle. I looked after my sister. Eight syllables: I used my mum’s new computer. I wanted to see the monster.
Actividad 14:
1 Did you listen to music? 2 Did you walk to school? 3 Did you watch TV? 4 Did you clean your teeth? 5 Did you go to the supermarket?
Actividad 15:
1 I didn’t play. 2 I didn’t go to the shops. 3 I didn’t have homework. 4 I didn’t watch TV. 5 I didn’t visit the castle.
Activity Book page 98
activity 1 stop ➔ stopped; try ➔ tried; play ➔ played; shop ➔ shopped; cry ➔ cried; visit ➔ visited; drop ➔ dropped; study ➔ studied; dance ➔ danced; hop ➔ hopped; tidy ➔ tidied; walk ➔ walked.
Activity 2
1 had 2 went 3 played 4 went shopping 5 studied 6 tidied AB page 99 activity 3 1 visited 2 didn’t have 3 played 4 didn’t go 5 didn’t tidy 6 went
Bon dia nins i famílies. Ja tornam a iniciar la feines després d’aquests dies de vacances de Pasqua. Esperam que estigueu animats i el vostre comportament a casa sigui bo.
Aquí vos deixam les solucions de les activitats de la segona quinzena, és a dir, de… Llegeix més»
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